How to Balance Work and Life for Overall Wellness

In today’s world, it can be very difficult to develop the proper balance of work and personal life. It can seem like the emphasis is most on achieving success in a career and making money to support your family.


However, in order to achieve overall wellness, you must find balance in your life. If you spend too much time working on a career, your personal and family life will suffer and vice versa. So how do you achieve overall wellness for a good balance? Here are some quick and simple steps that are guaranteed to work.

Start by considering your priorities. Are you currently placing more emphasis on one area of your life and neglecting another? Often, it can be very easy to spend too much time at work. Money is important, but not at the expense of sacrificing quality time with your family. Sure, it’s nice to work in banking, drive a fancy car and give your family 2 holidays a year, but not at the expense of missing your son’s first soccer match or your daughter’s big ballet performance.


To achieve overall wellness, take a moment to consider the amount of time you spend at work. If it far outweighs the time you spend at home, you may want to consider taking steps to cut back on your hours or taking weekends off. It may be hard at first – the temptation to overwork can as strong as an addiction – but eventually you’ll start to relax and enjoy the many things you’ve been missing during weekends or long nights at the office.

An overall wellness in life is not about achieving the highest success at a job. It is also not about spending no time on your career and not being able to support your family. Overall wellness is all about achieving that balance. If you are a struggling artist working hard on making that ‘one big sale’ of an art piece, novel or film, that is a truly wonderful goal, but if you can’t feed your family for years in the meantime, then it may be time to consider taking a day job or finding part time employment. Knowing where to draw the line is important if you’re making below minimum wage.

Another step you can take is to consider relaxing exercises through meditation, yoga, going to the cinema or even taking relaxing baths. By helping your mind relax, you can keep from bringing the stresses of work into your personal life and with save time and money on visits to the doctor.


Whether you suffer from the stress of overwork or the worries of unemployment, taking a long hard look at where you focus the majority of your time is the first step to repairing the balance in your life.