Why Women Love Flowers a Man’s Guide

In the 17th century, tulips were so in demand that some were worth as much as 10 years income.  Who would pay that much for a single flower? That’s right, a man who was trying to impress a woman.

The most common sign of chivalry is a bouquet of freshly cut flowers, straight from the florist.  From proms to birthdays to weddings, flowers are both a symbol of and a tribute to femininity.  But why do women love something that has virtually no practical use?  Give a man a flower and he doesn’t know whether to plant it, eat it, or use it as an ashtray.  With no obvious function, men have a hard time understanding the impact flowers can have on a woman’s spirit.

Women love flowers because they are tokens of affection.  Mainly, they tell the woman that you appreciate them enough to take time out of your day to give her some, or at the very least to know that you were thinking of them.  The fact that she is in your thoughts lets her know that you care about her and want her to feel happy.  Jewelry has a similar charm, but usually costs a lot more.

By nature, flowers have evolved to be attractive.  They have developed sweet scents and nectar to provide life for bees, hummingbirds and butterflies.  In exchange, the bees carry pollen so the flowers can reproduce.  Such a sweet form of symbiosis in a world filled with threats and danger holds a uniquely feminine charm.  Flowers don’t need to move or use weapons such as thorns or poison to protect themselves, they have others do the hard work for them.  As a result, flowers need not be harsh or repellant.  Instead they are fragile and delicate.

In short, both in nature and human culture, flowers symbolize a classy woman: gentle and sweet, and attractive enough to inspire others to work for them.

Long before agriculture, humans saw flowers as the beauty amongst a harsh world.  And man made the connection between the subtle elegance of the blossoms, and the delicate nature of his woman, and brought them home to the lady in his life – probably in the hopes of getting some cave-man-action.  Either way, the act of offering a woman flowers goes beyond the superficial and appeals to her feminine side as a symbol of sweetness and beauty.

If you’re a fan of Georgia O’Keeffe, you also know that flowers are seen as direct metaphors of the female ability to procreate.  Flowers develop into ripe fruits that bear seeds and eventually, new plants.  In a human, the female carries the newborn to produce offspring.  Flowers are thus entirely responsible for the continuation of life.  Like the female, they are nurturing and sweet.  Giving flowers to your woman symbolizes the fact that you view her as a mother and someone who is suited to provide a family for your children.

Flowers also appeal to woman’s direct senses.  They look, smell, and feel wonderful.  Couple a vibrant bouquet with some nice chocolates from the candy store and you are golden, whether the occasion, is a birthday, an anniversary, or just “because!”

So next time you pass by that flower shop, take a second look and pick up a bunch for your Special Someone.  You’ll be celebrating more than just the occasion!