With Just a Few Dollars Each Day, Investing is Simple and Doable

When planning for retirement in today’s economy, investing is a must. In your elder years, you won’t be able to count on Social Security alone to pay your bills, and you can’t expect the government to come up with a way to fix Social Security by the time you retire.

Fortunately, investing is easy. With just twenty-five dollars a week, you can get started on building a nest egg. Since time is needed to boost the effect of compounding interest, you must start right now. Your IRA or 401 (k) is simple to fund through automatic payroll deduction. Research shows that when people are left to their own devices, they let investing fall to the wayside. But when investors use automatic payroll deduction, they don’t have to think about it, and they don’t miss the money.

Investing can be totally painless. Your twenty-five dollars can be found anywhere in your budget. You can find a cheaper cell phone plan or cancel cable (you can watch TV online), or you can make extra cash with a simple side job. You can put your talents to good use by selling your goods and services on Craigslist or eBay. Once you start investing with a small amount, you’ll see how simple it is. If you get a raise, you can easily boost your contribution and enhance the net amount of your retirement plan.