Why Grass Fed Beef is Healthier

If you are looking to improve the health of your family, one thing you may wish to consider is the beef you purchase.  Most of the beef found in grocery stores is corn and grain fed, but studies show that grass-fed beef from the butcher is much healthier for everyone involved, including the environment, the eater, and even the cow.

When a cow is fed grain, it can be deadly because grain feeding lots foster communities of E. coli bacteria, which can sicken and kill humans.  Grain is also an unnatural food for cows to eat, and can cause them liver damage if they eat too much too quickly.  Because of this, cows must be taught to eat grain slowly and given high doses of antibiotics to keep illnesses at bay. 


Grain feeding is widespread because it allows a cow to reach slaughter weight in just over a year, which makes it much more profitable for the industry…. but much less healthy for the consumer.  In fact, grass-fed beef is not only shown to have no antibiotics and no risk of e-coli, but it also has less saturated fat.

Grass-fed cows are much healthier, because they are allowed to eat their natural diet and are not packed full of drugs.  Healthier cows mean healthier beef, which is a benefit that transfers to the consumer. 


Feeding cows with grass also greatly reduces the fossil fuel costs associated with feeding corn, which must be packed, shipped, and transported long differences by road.  There are also fewer petroleum products needed for fertilizers and corn processing, and the waste from the cows drops onto the land providing natural fertilization.

The bottom line is that beef from grass-fed cows is simply better all round.  If you are looking for a way to eat healthier beef while benefiting the environment and the cows you eat, this is certainly the best option for you.