Why an Egg a Day Can Help Keep Cancer Away

Eggs have taken a beating in the world of health and nutrition.  Several years ago, the sage advice offered was to avoid eggs if at all possible.  Today, that is no longer true, as nutritionists and scientists have come to recognize the enormous health benefits from eating eggs.  What nutritional benefits might you find here?


To begin with, eggs offer great help for your eyes.  Like avocados, eggs are high in lutein, which is an important element for preventing macular degeneration and can even stave off cataracts and other eye diseases.


You will also find that eggs are good sources of protein and essential amino acids.  Actually, a single egg contains six grams of protein and nine amino acids, as well.  In addition, while doctors once pointed to a connection between eggs and heart disease, that is no longer considered true.  In fact, some nutritionists state that this food can actually help reduce your chances of developing heart disease or suffering a stroke.


Eggs are also very good sources of unsaturated fat, which is an important part of regulating your body’s cholesterol and reducing LDL cholesterol.  Another point in favor of the humble egg is that it is only one of two foods that occur naturally with vitamin D, which is an essential element of being healthy and happy.


Finally, it seems that eggs might also play a role in preventing breast cancer.  While there are no definitive results, one study has indicated that a diet rich in eggs could cut breast cancer chances by almost fifty percent.