The Amazing Health Benefits of Clove Oil

Clove oil is an essential oil, and it can offer some surprising health benefits to those who use it for their home remedies.


Clove oil has anti-fungal, antiseptic, antibiotic, and antiviral properties that make it a natural for those who are trying to find homeopathic remedies that actually work.  The following are just a few of the many different ways to use clove oil in your daily life.

Many people who have toothaches use clove oil to treat them.  The oil acts as a natural pain killer, and it can also kill bacteria in your mouth.  When you are taking the clove oil, you will need to dilute it, either with water or with olive oil.  You can then dip a cotton swab into the oil and rub it on the affected tooth.  This will not eliminate your need for a dentist, but it can help with the pain until you get there.  Clove oil can also treat cold sores in the mouth.

Clove oil works by reducing inflammation.  This is great for those who are suffering from arthritis or muscle pain.  The oil also contains iron, calcium, and other beneficial ingredients that support the bones.

Many people are now using clove oil to deal with acne problems, and it is also useful in treating cuts.  Again, before applying, make sure you dilute the clove oil.  On its own, it can sting the skin.