How to Shape Your Eyebrows

The right personal grooming regimen is important to making the best impression on others and to look your best at all times.  Grooming your eyebrows is a small, but important part of looking polished and fresh.  Some hairdressers and nail salons offer threading (plucking) services, but it’s quicker and cheaper to do this at home.


Get Inspired


The first step is to find an eyebrow shape that appeals to you.  You can draw inspiration from movies and TV shows, as well as from beauty magazines.  Remember that everyone has different face shapes, bone structures, and eyebrow lengths, so find an eyebrow shape that is similar to yours before you begin.

Brush Your Brows


Next, you need to brush your eyebrows upwards, as well as outwards, with an eyebrow brush.  This will reveal the shape of your eyebrow arch, and help you attain the shape that you want.  Using a white pencil, draw a line below your natural arch to help guide you in grooming and trimming the hair.

Shape Up and Ship Stragglers Out


To shape your eyebrows, you will need to use slanted tweezers and pluck individual hairs until you have shaped them correctly.  Pluck from underneath the brow only, never from the top (as this will destroy the natural shape of your brows).  Some people find it easiest to work on one eyebrow at a time, while others prefer to match each eyebrow periodically throughout the process.

Check the Results


Next, brush your eyebrows back into place and make sure that you have achieved the shape that you want.  Compare the two brows by looking quickly from one to the other, and get a second opinion from a handy friend as what you see in the mirror will be reversed.


You might choose to make your eyebrows thinner during this period, but remember that the thinner you make them, the harder it is to make them look symmetrical. 

For perfection, fill in any noticeable gaps with eye shadow or an eyebrow pencil that is as close to your natural hair color as possible.