How to Remove Old Wallpaper Easily For Your Home Improvement Project

If you’re redecorating and are faced with a room with walls covered in ugly old wallpaper, you’ll need to find an easy way to remove it.  Wallpaper can certainly be a bit stubborn and messy to remove; so the first thing you’ll to do are lay drop cloths over carpet and the floor to protect it.  You’ll then want to turn off any electrical outlets and circuits into the room.  You can use a lamp and an extension cord for lighting.


Next, remove all switch plates and covers from outlets and light switches in order to remove the old wallpaper.  You’ll then need to fill a bucket with very hot water and mix in the wallpaper stripping solution according to the instructions.  Alternatively, you can use a solution of twenty percent vinegar as an effective way to remove the paper completely. Many experts will suggest that you score the old wallpaper in order to allow the solution to penetrate it better when you apply it.


Next, you’ll cover small areas with the solution and allow it to soak for 15 minutes.  Work in small batches so you can remove the wallpaper in the right amount of time. Once the solution has soaked in, it’s time to start peeling off the wallpaper.  You’ll keep repeating this process to cover the entire wall and remove all of it.  You might need to use some extra solution to remove the glue from the wall when you’re done.  Now, you can let the walls dry and continue with your redecorating project.