How to Make Orange Cranberry Relish for Thanksgiving

Cranberry features heavily in Thanksgiving menus all over the nation.  However, if you want a break from traditional Thanksgiving cranberry dishes, and still want something sweet to cut through the heavy flavors, then orange cranberry relish might just be the way to go.  With an easy recipe to follow, making this dish can be enormously simple.


To get started, you will need to visit the grocers and pick up some ingredients for your Thanksgiving relish.  You will need two oranges, two twelve-ounce bags of cranberries (fresh preferably), two chopped apples, half a teaspoon of ground allspice and two-thirds of a cup of sugar.


Peel and quarter your oranges, discarding the seeds while you’re at it.  Chop your apples and remove the seeds from them.  Transfer small portions of your fruit to your food processor and pulse with the allspice and a portion of your sugar.  Repeat this until all of your fruit has been coarsely chopped. 


Combine all of the chopped fruit into a bowl and cover it.  Place the bowl in your refrigerator to chill. 


As a note, this dish can be made up to three days before Thanksgiving.  In fact, making it at least a day ahead will give the flavors a chance to mingle so that the orange flavor stands out a bit more.


You have now made fresh orange cranberry relish for Thanksgiving!  Your guests will find this a refreshing treat for Thanksgiving desserts, and it can even be eaten on its own if you prefer.  You can also experiment with different ingredients to achieve different flavors.