How to Make a Girl Fall in Love With the Real You

Love is rough, and trying to understand exactly what a girl wants and what may make her fall in love with you can seem impossible.  There is no exact science to why people fall for one another and why a budding romance may end in love and marriage.  Each girl is different, and there is no manual that will tell you what to do in every situation.


With that said, there are some things that you can do to increase your chances of finding the right woman for you.

The first thing that you have to do is to always try your hardest to be honest with her.  Women don’t want to be part of silly relationship games any more than men do.  Don’t lead her on to believe that you have more money than you do by showering her with flowers and dinners at romantic restaurants at the start of the relationship,. only to stop doing it later after your credit card bill arrives! 


Don’t make her think that you are someone you aren’t.  If you are honest, she will respect that.  If she finds that she doesn’t love you because of the car you drive, the place you live, or your financial situation, then she was never worthy of your love in the first place.

Sweetness goes a long way in any romance.  Telling her how great she looks, really listening to her when she tells you about her day, and making sure that she is a priority in your life and letting her know that you love being with her are very important in encouraging her to truly fall for you.

Women say they like a sense of humor, and that’s true.  However, it doesn’t mean that women are impressed with Jackass styles stunts, and they do not want to be the butt of all your jokes or insulted, even in a ‘funny’ way.  Some men make the mistake of treating their girlfriend like they treat their best friends – but rest assured that she does not enjoy sitting through 12-hour ‘Saw’ marathons or having her hair or weight made fun of, as you would do with your buddies.  Don’t treat her like your mother, but do give her a little more respect than you’d give your mates.


Love will develop when it should.  Humor, honesty, and caring will help you take your romance to the next level so you can both profess your love.