How to Darn a Sock

If you’re tired of throwing away socks and money, use these easy instructions to mend your worn out socks and keep money in your wallet. With a few easy to follow steps, you can mend those socks like new and keep your family’s feet warm all year.


You don’t need to be a master seamstress, own a sewing machine or buy anything else other than a needle and thread. In fact, trying to mend a sock on a sewing machine is actually more difficult and takes longer than doing it by hand!

First, pick your thread color. For best results, try to find thread to match the color of the sock for an invisible fix.


Once your needle is threaded, turn the sock to be mended inside out so the “wrong” side of the sock is showing. Pinch the torn edges together and push the threaded needle through, you can begin this process and continue right to left or left to right depending on comfort.


Loop the thread over the torn edge and push the needle through the sock again next to the first stitch. Keep the stitches as close together as possible. Continue this process from one end of the tear to the other.


Be sure to knot the thread at the end of the tear to keep your stitches in place. When you’ve completed this process, turn the sock right side out and your sock is as good as new.  If you have a patterned sock the mend will probably not even show.

These simple steps will help keep your socks looking newer longer and keep more money in your budget for other things. Stop wasting money for tiny tears when they can be fixed quickly and easily with just a needle and thread.