How Joining a Local Cooking Co op Could Help Your Finances

A long work week can seem all the more difficult when you know you have to go home each day and face the question: “What’s for dinner?”  Planning, buying and preparing food for every single night can be a minor hassle that can turn into major drama if you are tired and overworked.


If you are looking to lessen the burden of cooking dinner for yourself or your family every night of the week, a cooking co-op may be the perfect solution for you. 

A cooking co-op is such a simple idea you are bound to wonder why you didn’t think of it before.  Basically, you and a group of others in your local area prepare food on a rotating schedule.  Don’t worry… you don’t have to eat food with a giant group of people each night!  Instead, each person gets a day of the week and then makes one large batch of dinner.  He or she then delivers the food to everyone in the co-op at a set time.  The rest of the week you get food delivered to you. 


The food usually comes pre-cooked and delivered in plastic Tupperware containers – all you have to do is re-heat it and you’re good to go.

A cooking co-op can certainly help you save time, not to mention money.  Just think about it: if you have seven local families to help you cook, you are now only buying and preparing food one night a week.  The rest of the week you get to ‘eat at’ at home for free. 


Joining a group like this can also help your budget, as you are really only planning and cooking food for one very large meal.  This means less individual ingredients to buy, as well as money saved when you have food delivered from a friend rather than picking up that pizza or takeout menu. 

Cooking co-ops are the most ideal when you live in close proximity to others in the co-op. Most co-ops operate on a street-by street basis and encourage you to enlist your neighbors – so if you are really organized, you can deliver the food on foot instead of having to drive. 


If you have the time (and space) to cook one very large meal and deliver it each week, you’ll get to try out new recipes and never flavors every day instead of eating the same thing over and over again.  You may even become better friends with your neighbors, which is always a good thing.