Does a Ferret Make a Good Family Pet?

When looking for a great family pet, many people prefer to opt for caged animals.  Kids tend to want pets that they can play with, while parents usually prefer an animal that sleeps in a cage at night.  In many rental complexes, small mammals are the only allowed pets.  Let’s look at whether ferrets might be the right option for you.

Ferrets can seem like a cheap and low maintenance family pet, but this is not true.  Like cats and dogs, ferrets need regular veterinary care, including vaccinations.  They are also not the type of pet that can simply be left in a cage as they are in the pet store.  Ferrets are highly intelligent and social animals, and can suffer mental problems and become very ill if shut up in a cage 24/7.


A ferret needs lots of interaction and playtime (and baths!), but with proper handling, you will find that they can be wonderful companions for children.  A ferret must be frequently handled from a young age to learn not to bite, and kids will need to learn how to keep the animal from feeling threatened or cornered.

A ferret can certainly be a wonderful pet for your family, especially with the right care and interaction.  They need lots of exercise, but you will find that they are quite happy to get it by running around with the little ones or playing a game of hide and seek. A tame, socialized ferret can be quite simply a delightful pet for any family.


At the end of the day, provided that your family understands how to properly play with a ferret and your ferret knows how to properly play with your family, they are a wonderful choice for pets.  In fact, they can be a wonderful addition to almost any household.