Review: Can the Big Boss Blender Replace All Your Kitch...
We’ve all seen the commercials on television of the latest greatest gizmo that blends, whips, chops, and does the household chores.  One of the most popular items currently on the infomercial circuit is the Big Boss Blender.  This blender...
Review: the Big Boss Grill Can it Help You Cook Meals Q...
If you enjoy watching product infomercials to learn about the best cooking products out there, then you have likely heard of the Big Boss Grill.    This 15-piece set is supposed to have everything you need to create the perfect meal for you...
Review: Can the Contour Ab Belt Give You a Six Pack Sto...
The Contour Ab Belt is the latest craze in 'effort-free' workouts.  It fits around the midsection of the user and sends electric pulses into the abdominal muscles.  This electric stimulation causes the muscles to flex and relax, and it is s...
Review: Does the Kymaro Body Shaper Give Real Results?
Many women are looking for a wearable body shaper that will be able to help them smooth out their lumps and bumps without having to put in long hours at the gym.  They want a body shaper garment that gives them the control they want from the sha...
What is the Best Type of Cat Litter Available For Your ...
Caring for your cat properly is an important part of being a responsible owner.  One of those considerations is finding the best cat litter for your pet.  There are many different types of cat litter to be found in pet stores, but what is t...
What is the Best Medical Treatment for Cats with Fleas?
Keeping your cat healthy and free of pests is an important part of being a pet owner.  While there are many pests that can afflict your cat, fleas are probably the most common.  What is the best medicine for treating a cat with fleas?  ...
Cat Care: Is Declawing Your Cat Really Necessary?
One of the most frequent cat care questions that vets receive is whether or not it is a good idea to have a destructive or 'scratchy' cat declawed.  While most veterinarians today will give a blanket answer of no, it is important to ta...
How to Train Your Cat is it Possible?
Is your cat destructive, rebellious, or just plain ill behaved?  If so, you are not alone.  Cats are notoriously independent, but the truth is that with patience, perseverance, and a few band-aids (for you, not the cat), they can be trained...
What Are the Best Treatment Options for Hairballs in Ca...
All cats are likely to suffer from hairballs at some point in their life.  They can be messy, and they can be harmful to your cat.  Large hairballs that block the intestines can actually require surgery to remove them.  What are your t...
Is Catnip Good For Your Cat?
You probably aren't aware that the minty gum in your mouth right now is related to catnip.  Catnip, or nepeta cataria, is an herb.  It's in the Lamiaceae family and was once only native to Europe and Asia, but has spread to the US and ...