4 Things You Should Know about Installment Loans
Installment loans are loans that have pre-determined and pre-schedules payments over a period. This means, you borrow money from a lender and agree to pay back the loan along with interest every month. Installment loans include auto loans, student lo...
5 Investment Strategies for Retirees
People often wonder what they will do after retirement, and whether their collected finances and assets would be enough to source life to them. They do not think about making money even after retirement. The money sits and chills in their bank accoun...
3 best second chance banking account options
Have you ever been on the spot when you bank application has been rejected and you were left wondering why that had happened? The basics of a pre-check performed by a financial institution when they allow the opening of bank accounts is to check your...
A Brief Overview of Stocks and Shares
A stock is a kind of general term which used to explore the ownership certificates of any company. When the stock of a company is sold in units, it is called shares. A shareholder is one who holds a company’s share. It gives a shareholder a unit of...
All about Medicare Dental Coverage for Seniors
If you are looking forward to availing senior Medicare plans for dental insurance, the services and treatments needed, cost of the plan, and the coverage of the plan should be the areas of your concern. The dental needs of the seniors depend upon the...
Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Money Transfers
Money is the medium of transacting. Cash, checks, and drafts were the most common tools used to affect money transfers, both for personal as well as business purposes. Of course, this was a lengthy, cumbersome and time-consuming process. Technolog...
A Brief Insight on Mortgage Rates and Lending
The mortgage industry in the US functions quite differently compared to other countries around the globe. In the US, a mortgage is treated as a commercial paper and allows lenders to convey and assign them easily. This allows financial institutions t...
A Beginner’s Guide to Trading Penny Stocks
Not everyone is born with the knowledge to become a successful penny stock trader. However, you can make a lot of money if wish to put your precious time to hone your skills and increase your knowledge about penny stocks. Being a beginner, you need t...
A Brief Insight into Index Funds
An index fund is a type of mutual fund. The portfolio in an index fund is designed such that it matches or tracks a particular market index, say the S & P 100 or the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Investors desirous of trading in index funds can d...
An Insight into the Predictive Analytics
Predictive analytics is a way of deriving information from existing datasets to determine patterns and foresee future results and trends. It doesn't offer a clear vision of the future but its analysis consists of possibilities and probabilities that ...